Gratulujeme Jakubovi Hajnému (našemu doktorandovi) a všem dalším kolegům z IST!!!
Molecular compass for cell orientation
Scientists at IST Austria discovered how the hormone auxin coordinates the cells during vasculature formation and regeneration

The left picture shows how a plant usually regenerates a wound. The right side depicts the regeneration without the CAMEL/CANAR receptor complex. The injury cannot regenerate properly. © Jakub Hajný / IST Austria
Hajný J, Prát T, Rydza N, Rodriguez L, Tan S, Verstraeten I, Domjan D, Mazur E, Smakowska-Luzan E, Smet W, Eliana Mor E, Nolf J, Yang BJ, Grunewald W, Molnár G, Belkhadir Y, De Rybel B, Friml J (2020) Receptor kinase module targets PIN-dependent auxin transport during canalization. Science 370(6516): 550-557. DOI: 10.1126/science.aba3178